portable toilet seat
fold-and-go toilet seat for toddlers
The risk of falling in a big toilet is real (and sets a toddler back to square one, typically, with potty training).
Help your little one feel safe and secure on any toilet with this portable toilet seat you can bring with you on any outings.
Rather than jump straight into toddler underwear, it's helpful in the months after potty training (and for night training) to use thicker toddler training pants (like this MooMoo Baby training underwear.)
Cloth training pants also help when you see your toddler dribbles pee.
A waterproof night time potty training mattress cover for your toddler's bed combines a soft cotton top with no flaps or straps to tuck in the middle of the night.
small potty
Always a good idea to start potty training with a small potty, so you can offer a choice if your toddler isn't okay with the toilet to start.
A small potty with back support is especially helpful for the littlest littles, and for toddlers struggling to sit and relax...to release.
potty insert
a sturdy potty insert with handles for your toddler to steady themselves on the big toilet — used until they're big enough to balance comfortably on a regular toilet (or here's a built-in potty insert for your toilet)
zippered travel pouch
a waterproof PUL lining on this wet bag keeps the mess from leaking out when you're traveling and there's an oopsy accident.
And when your toddler is a potty training rockstar, these wet bags are perfect for storing swimwear or gear that gets wet.
stash extra dry clothes for outings, and in case of accidents, toss clothes in a wet pouch
travel potty
the best fold-down travel potty you can bring out to the playground and everywhere (in wet/dry bag) or keep in your car for potty emergencies
silicone liner for Potette travel potty
reusable silicone liner fits inside the Potette travel potty (peeing in a plastic bag is not fun!) + fits inside a large wet/dry bag for storage
step stool
It's harder for a toddler to poop when their feet are dangling (not a good pooping position).
A sturdy stepstool helps your child be more independent on the toilet.
Learning is messy so expect accidents when you start potty training, which means messes. Look to the most absorbent cloths around...cloth diaper prefolds.
Any ways you can normalize poop, and how everyone poops, is helpful for a toddler (to make it feel less scary). But to be honest, this Who Pooped game is just plain fun, potty training or not. Who knew what wombat poop looks like? (Hint: it's square!)
emotion wheel
Toddlers can have big feelings. This emotion wheel helps to connect with your child about emotions and ways to cope with big feelings,.
tie your shoe
This board book is the one we used to learn the important practical life skill to tie your shoes. The pictures walk you and your child through the steps, red lace and yellow lace to know what to do.